Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Ahmadi

Unser Erfolg basiert auf über 14-jährige Berufserfahrung, das Vertrauen und Zufriedenheit unserer Mandanten!

Fachanwaltskanzlei für Strafrecht
Fachanwaltskanzlei für Verkehrsrecht
Langjährige Erfahrung im Opferrecht

Rechtsanwältin Jacqueline Ahmadi, Fachanwältin für Strafrecht & Verkehrsrecht
Tel.: 040/410 66 00 | Fax: 040/ 45 49 36 |


What should I do after a car accident? Should I hire a Lawyer after a car accident in Germany? How much will a lawyer cost?

Getting in a car accident is no fun, certainly not when you're on vacation in Germany. After a traffic accident you have many questions. First of all you need a lawyer who speaks your language. In Germany there are many specialist lawyers for various legal areas. In the event of a traffic accident involving personal injury and property damage, you should therefore look for a specialized lawyer (Fachanwalt für Verkehrsrecht) in

- Traffic law,
- Liability law,
- Insurances law
- Damages law
- Property damage,
- Liquidated damages,
- Injury damages,
- Judicial enforcement of claims for damages to the insurance company,
- Criminal traffic law and administrative offenses (fines, warnings)
- Driving license law

As is known, an insurance company is a commercial enterprise. The insurance company will therefore only pay your claims for damages if this is in the best interest of the company.

If you have been involved in a car accident that was not your fault, or only partly your fault, then you need to talk to a expert car accident compensation lawyer. Jacqueline Ahmadi is a German lawyer, who originates from Afghanistan and lives in Germany for 25 years. Lawyer Jacqueline Ahmadi is Accredited Specialist in traffic law, in particular Personal Injury Law, about more than 10 years experience in getting the best compensation possible for people injured in car accidents and vehicle damage.

I act for individuals against giant insurance companies and I am good at it. I have many successful insurance claims, which I successfully enforced against the largest insurance companies. If you want a layer with experience in traffic and damages law that is competent and knows how to stand up and fight insurance companies than you need to speak to me.

We all know lawyers are expensive, but how much will you need to pay?

In a traffic accident without fault in Germany, the insurance of the person responsible for the accident must pay all your damages and your lawyer's costs and vehicle expert's expenses. If you have a traffic protection insurance (legal expenses insurance), of course it will pay the attorney's fees, if you lose the case for whatever reason. It goes without saying I lways inform you about the legal costs.

Recommendation of a lawyer for traffic law

It is allways very important to get legal advice after an car accident. Try to consult a lawyer specializing in the processing of traffic accidents law, because the opposing party’s respective insurance company employs trained specialists to handle the claim. These specialists constantly try to keep insurance payments to a minimum to save costs.


Take Your Rights!


If the accident was not your fault, You have the right to hire a layer of your choice and an appraise of your choice. The insurace company of the accident causer has to be paid your traffic accident compensation claims in Germany.

It is always worthwhile in case of a traffic accident to have a traffic legal protection insurance (Verkehrsrechtschutzversicherung). In any case, as the owner, keeper, driver or passenger of a vehicle, you are entitled to comprehensive legal protection against legal risks, especially if the insurance company does not pay and you have to go to court.

Car Accident Lawyer Jacqueline Ahmadi is fluent in German, Englisch, Dari (Afghanistan), Persian (Iran), Farsi.

Before you act arrange an appointment for consultation with me in my office in Hamburg.

Strafverteidigerin & Rechtsanwältin Jacqueline Ahmadi
Fachanwältin für Strafrecht & Verkehrsrecht


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